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Church Cross


Making a Difference

St. Mary Magdalene with Risen Christ is a generous community. We give not because we have to or because God needs it but because we want to invest in our community. We give our time, our talents, and our money. Ways to give are below or you can contact us to find out more.

Regular giving

The most helpful way to give is through a standing order. Please download and complete the form by clicking on the button below. You will be given the opportunity to gift aid your donation.

One-off gifts

One-off gifts can be made through a BACS transfer using our bank details below. During the service, there is the option to give by cash if you would prefer.

Bank details

Bank: Lloyds
Name: St Mary Magdalene with Risen Christ

Sort Code: 30-93-54
Account Number: 01153072
Reference: Surname (needed for gift aid)

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